

Established is a movement creating opportunities for women to discover who they are in Christ.

“Established” means deeply secure, stable, unshakable, permanent, rooted.

Those words are my prayers for you.

My heart with Established is for you to build your identity on an unshakable foundation, where you are fully secure in the person God created you to be and where the roots of who you are are so deep that it can withstand any lie.

When women know who they are in Christ, it changes everything - the way they see themselves, the way they handle relationships, the way they pursue their dreams, and the way they take on life.

Whether you are someone who has heard all of this before or you are someone who has never even heard of God, I want you to feel welcomed here.

As women, it’s a constant fight to stand firm and confident in who you are, and I truly believe we are stronger together than we are apart. That’s why I wanted to equip you with encouragement and tools (like events, blog posts, and resources) to help you establish your identity and remind you of those truths - even when life is messy, your heart is broken, you find yourself lost, or when everything around you seems to be vying for your attention.

I'm so excited and honored to start this journey with you.

Let us be women who are established in the Lord.




Sam Magnaye

(Founder of Established)

25-years-old. Graduated from ORU with an Advertising degree. CA will forever have my heart, but I am currently a proud OK resident. I love expressing myself through creative outlets, like graphic design, drawing, photography, and writing. Passionate about God, the vision for "Established", all things love-related, all things branding-related, eating good food with good company, and encouraging people to pursue their wildest dreams.

This all started as a dream for me & you can read more about why I started this here.