Catch Flights, Not Feelings

“Catch flights, not feelings.” - a clever little phrase I've seen on t-shirts and hats that gives a simple solution to the complications that feelings bring. (Because man, can feelings be complicated.)
This phrase technically refers to catching feelings for someone, but I’m gonna go ahead and apply this to all feelings.
I’ve never really been one to run from feelings (mostly because I have too many & I’m not a very good runner), but I have been one to sleep away my feelings. (My college roommates can attest to this.) I can sleep for straight days when I’m overwhelmed or sad. So I get the appeal of “catching flights” because it’s just another form of escape. And honestly, traveling is just a super nice distraction. Can’t say I’ve never used it as one. (Currently on a plane as I write this, escaping life's responsibilities for a week.) Unfortunately, both running and sleeping just postpone the inevitable.

One of my friends recently told me - “Our pain demands to be felt.” She’s right; they really do. There have been times in my life where I’ve seen the pains of years past resurface from their graves. And that’s my bad for burying them alive and expecting them to just disappear. I was kinda hoping the whole “outta sight, outta mind” thing would apply. On the real though - it’s easier to bury feelings (or run or hide or sleep) instead of actually dealing with them. The catch is that feelings that are not dealt with will come up when you least expect them to - there will be moments where you’ll hear their echoes in your words and see their effects in your actions and relationships. The part that’s kinda scary is that sometimes you won’t even be able to recognize it at first.

Not sure if I caught any of you mid-marathon or buying a one-way ticket out of your head, but if I did, what feelings are you running from today?
Is it...
Regret or guilt
(You fill in the blank)

Last weekend, pretty much all of those feelings came like an avalanche. (Told ya I have a lot of feelings.) So obviously, I did what I normally do and slept. I really, really tried not to, but I did. Feelings can bring so much pain, man. (Like ACTUAL physical worse-than-heartburn pain.) So I totally get why people try to numb it. I get why people run away from them. I get why people put up walls around their hearts so that feelings can’t sink too deep.

But let me tell you - God is running after you harder and faster than whatever you’re running away from (even if it’s Him).

In my attempts to escape, I kept running into little reminders of the Lord’s love and faithfulness - whether it be in an encouraging post on social media, random texts from friends, a snap from my family, much-needed conversations with people I care about, the most fitting message at church, and the perfect worship songs popping up on Spotify...

Those things are honestly what got my butt out of bed. Getting out of bed meant I had to face my feelings. But in those little reminders of love, I began to remember that God was (and is) very present in those feelings. He’s present in our fights. Heck, He wants to fight for you. Sometimes we just don’t let Him.

Know that you can always choose to invite God into your situation. He’s never gonna force you to. But He sure will chase you down just to show you how much He loves you and to provide you an alternative option to running.
An option where you don’t have to spend all your energy running (or waste all your time sleeping).
An option where you have joy in the midst of heartache, hope in desperate times, peace in the chaos, strength in difficult seasons, and freedom from the pains of years past or weights that you carry.

“Casting the whole of your care [all your anxieties, all your worries, all your concerns, once and for all] on Him, for He cares for you affectionately and cares about you watchfully.”
‭(1 Peter‬ ‭5:7‬ ‭AMPC‬‬)

“'Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you and learn from me, for I am gentle and humble in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy and my burden is light.'”
‭‭(Matthew‬ ‭11:28-30‬ ‭NIV‬‬)

If you’re all caught up in your feels, here are a couple songs I listened to on repeat last weekend.

1. "Reckless Love" by Cory Asbury
2. "On & On" by Housefires
3. "Surrounded (Fight My Battles)" by UPPERROOM
4. "Even When It Hurts (Praise Song) - Live" by Hillsong United
5. "P E A C E" by Hillsong Young & Free
6. "Do It Again" by Elevation Worship
7. "Fall (feat. Andrew Holt & Merideth Andrews)" by The Belonging Co
8. "Not Today" by Hillsong United


PersonalSam Magnaye