
I can’t believe we’re already at the halfway mark of the year! If you’ve been following along with my most recent posts and Instagram stories, it’s no secret that this year has not gone exactly how I expected it to. But the first half of the year does not have to dictate how it ends. (Wow - sorry for going “cheesy halftime locker room pep-talk” with you guys.)

I went on a trip for Memorial Day weekend with some of my best friends, and during that trip, we challenged each other to think about what we wanted out of this year and what we can do these next 6 months to get there.

After my quick Memorial weekend trip, I hopped right back on a plane to spend the rest of the week in my hometown for my baby brother’s graduation.

I fully intended to have a game plan going into this second half of the year, but every time I thought about writing one down, I just felt a...block (for lack of better words). So I didn’t spend my week home reflecting and strategizing and making lists like I had planned; Instead, I just rested and hung out with my fam (and it was the best).

I carved out time this week to finally write something (anything) down, but still - nothing. I did, however, stumble upon an old sermon by Bobbie Houston. In the sermon, she talked about the word “selah.” “Selah” means “pause” or “stop and listen”. It is also found at the end of a verse in Psalms or Habakkuk and is used after or before something profound is experienced.

I’ve been thinking and praying about what God wanted me to write to you guys as we start the latter half of this year, and I know that this is it.

Halftimes of plays, movies, or games are usually marked by an intermission - a pause or a break.

Just for a moment, try putting your resolutions, goals, and to-do lists to the side and pausing before the Lord.

I don't know about you, but there are so many things I want to accomplish this year. During Memorial Day weekend, I already started forming a monster list in my head of things I would do as soon as my week of travels were over.

But I really think that the reason I kept feeling a block in my spirit was so God could capture my focus and attention first.

A good friend of mine said, “We all have our idea of how we want to impact the world, but are we willing to impact the world the way God wants us to?” We all have an idea of how we want this year to look like and what we want to do and areas we want to develop, but are we willing to submit those things to the Lord first? Are we willing to ask Him what He wants from us this year?

Many are the plans in a person's heart, but it is the Lord's purpose that prevails. (Proverbs 19:21) 

Take this intermission to refresh yourself, to pause, to assess, to take stock, to adjust, to be still before the Lord, to sync your heart, your plans, and your dreams to His purpose.

Selah - stop & listen.

Selah - used after or before something profound is experienced.

Stop and listen to what the Lord wants from you at this very moment and in this very season.

I have so much faith that in this intermission, you will get renewed strength, renewed hope, and renewed vision to move forward into what He has for you this year.

I have so much faith that this intermission is a preface to something so great and profound for you.


PersonalSam Magnaye