Just Let It Happen by Kristen Pope

The other night I was driving to the airport to pick up my husband. It was pretty late at night (for me), I’m the only person on the road for miles, and the roads are dark and winding. I had a long day and was totally exhausted. So to stay awake, I was blasting United Pursuit’s Simple Gospel album. (Btw, if you haven’t listened to this album - DO. IT.) I felt so excited as I listened to the following lyrics repeated over and over again.

You’re full of life now. You’re full of passion. It’s how He made you. Just let it happen.

A little background on me - I’m not the type to “just let it happen.” Ideally, I plan out every minute of my life. And when things don’t go according to that plan, I internally stress about it for weeks.

But as I’m driving down these roads screaming these lyrics, the fog begins to thicken. Not metaphorical fog, mind you, like actual fog on the road ahead of me. I squint a little and lean into my steering wheel. As I drove a bit further, I became aware that I was instinctually following the yellow dotted line right in front of me. This is what we were taught to do since day 1 of driving. We stay within the painted lines that really hold no true ability to restrain us, but we know they keep us safe from accidents. So we follow them without thinking most of the time. I knew that even though the fog was thick, I was not going to lose my way if I followed that line.

This hit me like a ton of bricks in the chest, as I have been feeling like a passionate and lively walk with God is just not possible in my life. I love Jesus, and I want to spend focused time with him, but I am also exhausted.

Every day I wake up at 6am, workout, eat breakfast, get ready, work from 8 to 5, come home and make dinner or relax for a bit, watch TV with my husband, and go to sleep to start the cycle again the next day. I would love to fit an hour or two each day to spend time with God - but come on, I need a minute to relax.

The reality that I am not accomplishing everything that I want to in life currently has been crushing me. I resigned myself to believe that I couldn’t live a revitalizing life with Christ in my mundane routine. Not only that, but I didn’t want to because it felt like so much work.

But Jesus met me here in my car, in the unexpected, to show me that following Him is more instinctual than I’ve been treating it, just like those dotted lines. The Lord isn’t looking for scheduled time. He is looking for US. He wants to touch our heart every moment of our lives, not just when we have time to sit and focus on Him.

Let the Lord into your everyday life. Don’t start thinking “but what does that look like?” -





After that night I stopped scheduling time with Jesus. I just committed to being open to my encounters with Him every day. And naturally, my time with Jesus has looked different every day.

Some days I lay in the bath after a long day of work and listen to my favorite worship music, other times in silence. Some days I write in my journal for 10 minutes and call it a day. Other times, I talk to my close friends or siblings and share what’s on my heart. And some days God comes to me in the little things. Like a cancelled meeting at work I was dreading, or a sweet little girl saying hi to me on the street as I walk home.

Seriously you guys, God is so much bigger and out-of-the-box than we could ever imagine. God is not confined to daily Bible reading plans and perfect church attendance. Give into this “wishful thinking” for a while and see what happens. Start with God.

Start with that feeling in your heart, with the natural pull you have to close your eyes and dance with the Father. Or whatever that feeling looks like for you. Start with God.

I’ve spent a good part of my 24 years of life trying to force my way into loving Christ, and it never works. I have a deep and loving life with God because when He comes to me, I choose to accept that love. Most of the time, not all of the time. But I accept it in small increments. In small moments. In total imperfection. Even if I don’t quite understand it yet.

Whether you’re in progress like me, feeling totally inspired in your walk with God, are so angry with God that you can’t even think about Him, or are hearing the name of Jesus for the first time in this blog post - nothing will ever touch your heart in a deeper way than the Holy Spirit. Only you can choose to accept His love.

He has a unique journey for each one of us. Our stories are fingerprints. Uniquely crafted and divinely designed.

Just start with God and let it happen.  



LifestyleSam Magnaye